Referenz-Nr.: 0077256829

Sales Representatives for Bespoke Furniture for Shop Hotel Restaurant

 Belgien, Deutschland, Dänemark, Finnland, Frankreich, Niederlande, Norwegen, Schweden, Schweiz, Spanien, Vereinigtes Königreich

 JSC Fabrica Viridis




We are looking for a sales professional to represent our company in the local market in the local language.

Our team of experienced professionals has upholstered numerous retail, hotel, and restaurant spaces with bespoke furniture all over the world. We ensure with quality, flexibility towards clients’ needs, and a wide range of experience with interior projects.
We are ready to offer all the services you could possibly need while fitting or refurbishing shop, hotel or restaurant. We will take care of everything from project cost estimation to on-site installation. In between, we provide you with 3D visualizations, technical drawings, product value engineering, ensuring quality and timeline of furniture production, managing logistics. We want to make sure your experience working with us is the best possible, thus we grant furniture warranty and after-warranty maintenance.

What we expect from Sales Representative:

  • Selling products or services to customers and representing the brand. This can include asking questions to pinpoint the best offerings, giving demos or presentations, and maintaining customer relationships.
  • Reaching out to potential leads through a variety of channels, such as email, phone, text, and social media.
  • Negotiating with leads and using persuasion techniques to overcome objections and landing deals that are beneficial to the company, while also providing customers with optimal value. 
  • Submitting and processing orders to ensure customers receive the products or services they request on time. 
  • Attending networking events, maintaining a strong network.

Participating in company meetings with sales managers and other sales reps. This usually involves providing a recap of recent results and accomplishments to show they’re hitting their quotas.

We offer a monthly fixed fee starting from 3000 EUR and a commission on the amount of the sale.



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