
Paul och Thom

Referenz-Nr.: 0077256679

Sales Agents for Food & Beverage

location Estland, Lettland, Litauen

Sweden Paul och Thom


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Paul och Thom is one of Northern Europe's leading companies in the sale of charcuterie, tapas and other high-quality food products from Southern Europe. The customer segment is predominantly food chains, wholesalers and HORECA. Our mission is to create increased customer taste satisfaction for end consumers along with high profiling products for our clients. We do this, of course, by delivering the highest possible quality for each category. But also by working with sales-driving marketing in both digital media and through sales-driving exposures.

Paul och Thom are in an expansive phase and ahead of our launch in the Baltic countries, we are searching for a 3 National Sales Agents responsible for each market.

About the role

As a sales agent, you own and are responsible for our sales on the entire national market. The role can be as an agent or franchisee. 

You will be responsible for all central chain agreements and procurements as well as leading and supporting local external field salespeople.

You will with the support of our central sales and management organization.

Identifying the market's needs and conditions are crucial to achieve success. The work is with responsibility and flexible at the same time. 

Who we think you are:

-       You have 5+ years of experience in sales and business development within the food industry and or within grossing to retail chains.

-       You speak Latvian, Lithuanian or Estonian with native-level fluency, and English at a professional level.

-       You have strong verbal and written communication skills, including but not limited to cold calling, pitching, presenting, etc.

-       You are used to work freely under guidelines and good at take decisions.

-       You have a track record of getting result in our business field. 

Terms are negotiated individually.

For more information about the position, contact: 

Tony Mossberg
Sales Development Manager
+46 735 811 650



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