
Referenz-Nr.: 0077256201

CrossWorkers Agents for IT Resources

 Belgien, Deutschland, Finnland, Frankreich, Irland, Luxemburg, Niederlande, Norwegen, Portugal, Schweden, Schweiz, Vereinigtes Königreich, Österreich





CrossWorkers Agent – IT Outstaffing

CrossWorkers Agents are often independent companies or Consultants operating in the IT business with own services and/or products or working as sales agent for other companies.  He or she have a network and knowledge about the market within Information Technology.

 We are looking for Agents in Europe and GCC


Sell CrossWorkers services

Build Agent network

Support CrossWorkers with market information



Full introduction to CrossWorkers

Visit to ODC in Cairo

Leads form CrossWorkers

Access to Active Campaign

CrossWorkers Business card and mail

Presence at CrossWorkers Sales meetings (monthly)

Presence at territorial events/fairs

SOME support

Access to own Agents through Agent platform



It is the responsibility of the Agent to actively seek customers for CrossWorkers, introduce CrossWorkers services buy understanding the Delivery model, Prices and the legal structure of contracts.  The Agent will actively help to close the contract in corporation with CrossWorkers Contract office and actively assist CrossWorkers with Key Account Management.

It is the responsibility of the Agent to actively build, maintain, motivate and support a network of Agents relevant to the CrossWorkers offerings.

The Agent will support CrossWorkers with market intelligence to support digital marketing and CrossWorkers position in the market.


Onboarding process and responsibility

The Agent will actively hunt new sales opportunities and react on Leads provided from CrossWorkers.

The Agent will continually register Leads and customers in CrossWorkers Sales & CRM system (Active Campaign) including maintaining a log.

The Agent will – in corporation with CrossWorkers Contract Office negotiate and write the Agreement with the customer and get this signed.

The Agent will actively help in the handover to Contract Office and SDM for them to be able to write Business Plan and Skillsmatrix together with the customer



Good commission – to be explained


Commission payment

The commission is based on a percentage over the monthly turnover on Resources. The period is counted from the start day of each headcount.

Payment of commission shall be made by CrossWorkers to the Agent quarterly within 1 month from the end of the quarter.  Payment is conditioned that the customer pay his commitments to CrossWorkers.



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