
Referenz-Nr.: 0077255640

Sales Rep - Glass - Balustrade - Balcony - Bath Shower

 Belgien, Bosnien-Herzegowina, Bulgarien, Deutschland, Dänemark, Estland, Finnland, Frankreich, Griechenland, Irland, Italien, Kroatien, Lettland, Litauen, Luxemburg, Malta, Montenegro, Niederlande, Polen, Portugal, Rumänien, Russische Föderation, Schweden, Schweiz, Serbien, Slowakei, Slowenien, Spanien, Tschechische Republik, Türkei, Ukraine, Ungarn, Vereinigtes Königreich, Zypern, Österreich




Target Customers
Construction, Remodeling, apartment construction, large public projects, fenestration, DIY, house construction, OEM suppliers of building supplies, retail stores that specialize in construction supplies.
Product Lines
Showers, bath, fixtures, mirrors, glass, windows, high quality metal railings, and decorative finish objects, faucets, drains, completed modules such as balconies, balustrades, doors, closets, complex assemblies.
Sales Opportunity
This is an opportunity to work with one of the leading exporters of kitchen, bath and module assemblies in Asia. We have been in this market for over 10 years, and work with over 500 factories located throughout Asia, including China, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, and Indonesia.
We are an Australian company with western management in place in China. (We are all English fluent.) We have our own QC staff that assures high quality standards are being met, and a dedicated team of engineers that work with the factories and ensures that the products are tested and meet code at all levels.
We currently have customers throughout the world, with a major segment in the UK, NZ, South Africa and the EU. We are searching for representatives to handle our glass, bath & shower, and construction module business in the Europe area.
We offer competitive commissions, and a professional business relationship. We are searching for established, and aggressive sales representatives that are willing to promote, not only our standard product ranges in the Kitchen & Bath areas, but also our newest product lines; the module assemblies for new construction.

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